How To Run A Band | Seth Jackson Interview
February 27, 20155 Tips to Help You Improvise
February 28, 2015Cracking the Code – Season 1, Episode 6: “Punched Out”
In this episode of Cracking the Code, Troy Grady searches for the reasons behind his inability to progress past his picking plateau and achieve true shredding virtuosity. He believes that it is a lack of knowledge, an elusive secret that he has yet to uncover…but what is it?
Below I’ve tabbed out a few licks that Troy talks about in this episode. They are:
[lollum_list_element]Eddie’s Hot Rodded Blues Lick (Pentatonic) An ingenious three string pattern, this space-aged swirl of notes is thoroughly entrancing.
[lollum_list_element]Yngwie’s Trilogy Shape (Harmonic Minor) By playing this lick at unfathomable speeds Yngwie could do damage at will.
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[gview file=”http://leadguitarjunky.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Eddies-Hot-Rodded-Blues-Lick.pdf” save=”1″]
[gview file=”http://leadguitarjunky.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Yngwie-Trilogy-Shape.pdf” save=”1″]