Sunshine of Your Love Beginner Guitar Lesson
March 12, 2015Cracking the Code – Season 1, Episode 8: “Fast Forward”
March 14, 2015Eric Gales Fast Country Lick
Country licks are so cool. I love how they twist and turn down the neck in such a casual way, like it’s no big deal. Micky from Guitarcoach Germany teaches us just such a lick in this lesson. A lick originally played by the great Eric Gales, (who happens to play the guitar left-handed without reversing the strings). WHAT? Yeah he’s awesome.
The lick is in E minor and travels from the 12th fret on the high E string all the way down to the open low E string using a series of sixteenth notes. Micky mentions the fact that Eric uses a swinging feel when playing this phrase and that really helps give it that country sound. Once you get the fingering down try to focus on your feel for the groove.
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