The Guitar Pick
August 8, 2015
Three Note Per String Pentatonics 2
August 18, 2015Finger Tapping 102

In this lesson we’re going to continue our look at beginner finger tapping techniques.
Now we’re gonna kick it up a notch by adding a second finger from our fretting hand into the mix. We’ll be outlining two arpeggios with the notes we’ll play. First is an Esus9 and the second is a B dominant 7.
Remember to focus on keeping the rhythm of the notes even to create that flowing dreamlike sound. Start slowly and increase your speed over time.
Once you feel comfortable with playing this pattern why not try playing it on different strings to see what kind of sound you get.
Finger Tapping 102 for Beginners
Finger Tapping 102 Example
Download the PDF or GuitarPro files
[videojs mp4=”http://d3beoej647k6dn.cloudfront.net/Finger Tapping 102-Live Tab.mp4″ poster=”https://globalguitarnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/GGN-Live-Tab-Placeholder.png” width=”615″ height=”346″]