Global Guitar Network

Holding the Guitar


You may have seen guitarists who play with their teeth. You may even have seen guitarists who play behind their backs or under their legs. I’ve seen a guitarist with no arms who actually plays with his feet.

If you’re just starting out as a guitarist you may be wondering how the guitar is really held or how you should hold a guitar pick. Let’s take a look at the typical ways to hold the guitar and the pick.

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Holding the Guitar When Standing

When standing up and playing make sure to keep your back straight and have the headstock slightly higher than the body of the guitar. When adjusting the strap keep the strings at a comfortable height for strumming.


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Holding the Guitar When Sitting

When sitting down and playing, place the body of the guitar on your right leg (popular method) or your left leg (classical method). Remember to keep your shoulders loose and don’t slouch over the guitar too much or you will develop back problems.


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How to Hold the Guitar Neck

The proper placement of your fretting hand requires your thumb to be directly in the middle of the back of the neck. This type of grip allows your fingers more freedom to move when playing.

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How to Hold the Guitar Pick

Hold your pick as shown to start. Everybody has slightly different ways to hold their picks. When strumming try holding the pick loosely, and when picking hold it a bit tighter.


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