Guitar Effects
August 9, 2014
Picasso Said it Best
August 13, 2014Lead Guitar Technique | E Minor Pentatonic Hot Lick!

Sorry I just had to get that out of my system.
This six note hot lick is in the key of E minor and uses the notes of the pentatonic scale.
It’s a popular lick and you can hear similar variations of it in tunes like “Every Rose Has it’s Thorn” and “Freebird”. It’s great for building excitement and it’s easy to create variations of it to fit into different scales and situations.
Do you have a hot lick you’ve always wanted to learn but couldn’t quite figure out? Let me know in the comments below and I’ll see what I can do about creating lesson about it just for you…and all my other readers too of course. π
Have fun!
Lead Guitar Technique | E Minor Pentatonic Hot Lick!
E Minor Hot Lick Live Tabs
Download the PDF orΒ GuitarPro files
[videojs mp4=”http://d27bwwsn74xs39.cloudfront.net/E Minor Pentatonic Hot Lick_Live Tab.mp4″ poster=”https://globalguitarnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/GGN-Live-Tab-Placeholder.png” width=”615″ height=”346″]