Global Guitar Network

Lead Guitar Techniques | One Shape vs. One Position


Improvisation | One Shape vs One Position

When first starting to play lead guitar and improvising guitar solos most players will begin by using a single scale for the whole chord progression.

For the most part this works fine. You may end up a few stray notes in your solo that didn’t jive with the rest of the song, but who’s counting?

Doing this for a while though leads to boredom and the urge to broaden your horizons. That urge is what this lesson is all about.

We are going to check out two ways to solo over a simple guitar backing track in the style of ZZ Top’s “La Grange”.

Beginners can also check out the tutorial on how to play the backing track’s main riff at the very beginning of the video.

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Improvisation | One Shape vs One Position

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