In this extended lesson, Juan Antonio shows you how to combine three major pentatonic scales so they add up to the Lydian Mode. This is a great way to organize your phrasing when using a seven note mode, and helps to bring out the mode’s characteristic sounds.
I’ve laid out Juan’s scale choices (03:30) below on one part of the neck so you can see how the pieces fit together. I’ve also tabbed out a few of his sweet example licks (10:14) for ya too. Enjoy 🙂
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You can use these scale options when jamming in the key of F Lydian.
F Lydian Mode
▲ 2nd Fret
F Major Pentatonic
▲ 3rd Fret
C Major Pentatonic
▲3rd Fret
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G Major Pentatonic
▲3rd Fret
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Here is an F Lydian backing track for you to practice over. Have fun!