Hell’s Bells Guitar Lesson
August 5, 2015
August 5, 2015Smoke on the Water Guitar Lesson

[lollum_dropcap]I[/lollum_dropcap]‘d bet if you asked one hundred guitartists what the first song they learned was, more often than not you would get the answer, “Smoke on the Water.”
I would be part of that group. It was my first song too, even though I played it incorrectly.
I’ve got it all sorted out now though, and I want to show you how to play it in this Smoke on the Water Guitar Lesson.
Let’s ROCK!
[videojs mp4=”http://d3jcmiykoktnn3.cloudfront.net/Smoke On The Water Full Version2-LR.mp4″ width=”615″ height=”450″]