Lead Guitar Techniques | Steve Vai Inspired Scale Sequence
August 7, 2015
Substitute Dominants
August 8, 2015Unison Bends

[lollum_dropcap]U[/lollum_dropcap]nison bends are an easy way to add emphasis to a simple melody line.
Playing a unison bend involves using two strings that are side by side, usually two of the thinner strings.
The note played on the bottom string is held using your index finger and includes no vibrato or bending.
The note played on the next string up is bent till it matches the same pitch as the first note. In order for this note to be bent to match the first one it must start at a lower pitch, usually a major second below.
Because of the tuning of the B string the starting shapes of unison bends will differ depending on which strings you are using.
Unison Bends
Unison Bend Live Tabs
Download the PDF or GuitarPro files
[videojs mp4=”http://d25pbyooe66ji6.cloudfront.net/Unison Bends_Live Tabs.mp4″ poster=”https://globalguitarnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/GGN-Live-Tab-Placeholder.png” width=”615″ height=”346″]